SSP Policy Expertise
SSP affiliates offer extensive, substantive policy experience and process development skill in a variety of fields, including:
Border Security
Child welfare and development
Cradle to career pipeline
Criminal Justice (including drug control, gun control, juvenile justice, crime trends)
Culturally sensitive methods of targeted PSA/outreach
Culturally sensitive urban revitalization policy
Data Methodology (Social Science)
Developmental disabilities
Domestic policy analysis
Education policy
Ending mass incarceration
Energy policy
Environmental policy (including climate change)
Food deserts
Food safety
Foreign policy
Healthcare Insurance and Access
Higher Education (student of color retention)
Homeland Security
Human rights
LGBTQ rights
Mass misinformation
Policies on aging
Postsecondary Education and Job Training
Poverty and Inequality
Public education
Social work/ mental health
State and local governance
Strategy development
Transportation policy
Women's health
Wraparound services for low-income families
Contact us for more information.